“The universe is made of stories; not atoms.” —Muriel Rukeyser
I’ve always loved stories. From the time my dad read me irresistible bedtime tales filled with Winnie the Pooh, Barbar and Amelia Bedelia, to my adolescent voracity for everything from Judy Blume to Virginia Woolf, Kurt Vonnegut to Agatha Christie, I was seduced by the power and magic of words. At eight I wrote my first two (very short) books from a kit my mom bestowed upon me. At ten, on a dare from my older sister, I made my radio debut, calling into the controversial Bob Grant show. That appearance lasted thirty seconds, tops, but I fell hard and fast. The music, the mystery, all the stories that poured out of Marconi’s mystical little boxed enthralled me.
In high school, an inspiring English teacher encouraged my creative writing talent and stoked my interest in contemporary fiction, poetry, drama and film. At Sarah Lawrence College I worked with literary luminaries Allan Gurganus, Louise Meriwether and Russell Banks. The first story I ever submitted for publication, at nineteen, garnered me the honor as the youngest finalist in the Redbook Young Writers’ Contest. Not bad first time out of the gate. Of course like most writers, I’ve endured my share of rejections. The humbling lesson: perseverance is often more important than ambition or talent.
While at grad school, in Massachusetts, my love affair with radio was re-ignited. I landed my first professional on-air gig and have since talked my way across the dial as a DJ and radio talker.
A stint as a theatre critic led me to a playwrights’ workshop where I honed my gift for dialogue and launched my career as a dramatist; many of my plays have been produced at festivals in New York City and across the United States. A radio hiatus and a suggestion from my sister nurtured my dormant novelist’s ambitions.
As a radio host and journalist, I’ve interviewed myriad music icons, authors, politicians and other notables. But intimate conversations with listeners sparked a deeper psychological exploration. Understanding the therapeutic value of telling and sharing our stories, I earned a Masters degree in Counseling. For the last several years, I have worked as a creativity coach helping people conquer artistic blocks and explore career transitions, spirituality and relationship issues. I also facilitate inclusive genre-busting, inner-critic kicking writing workshops.
My own fiction often deals with the implacability of secrets, the tenacity of dreams and the way we often shroud sorrow in humor. The perils that lie beneath the docile, domestic surface pulsate throughout my work.
The wayward trajectory of my creative career has been filled with invaluable detours. And storytelling remains the thread that weaves my colorful tapestry together. I invite you to join me. Read my stories. Tell me yours. Share your favorites.
Cheers and onward,