Somewhere between pulp fiction and film noir is Fiction Noir. The anthology, featuring thirteen stories, has strong narrative, evocative scenes, compelling dialogue and more than a hint of the dark side. Characters find themselves on the edge, contemplating life and death. Visiting the dark past of Nazi atrocities through the eyes of a ten year old child. Hiring killers to secure their futures. Cooking up schemes to fulfill their needs. Using their wiles to face down gangsters. Exploring the consequences of bad decisions. Avoiding the murderous ways of spies. Planning spousal murder. Solving crimes through careful inquisition. Exploiting the weaknesses of village losers. Protecting the innocent. And fighting organized crime in Sin City.
“It‘s gourmet murder-to-go in Amy Beth Arkawy’s elegantly cheeky deadly tale “Dangerous Appetites! –Tales of the Easily Distracted